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Science historian Naomi Oreskes to speak at Western April 17
Western wins award from PSE for Best Outreach Campaign
WWU ends bottled-water sales April 1st

Beginning April 1, Western Washington University will no longer sell bottled water on campus, making it the biggest school in Washington to discontinue the product.
In an effort to promote sustainability, students developed an initiative in 2012 that urged the university to stop…

University to end sale of bottled water on campus

Starting in April, bottled water will no longer be sold at Western Washington University.

The decision was made after a student led campaign to increase sustainability at the campus, which is known for its environmental focus.

WWU ending on-campus sales of bottled water

Sales of bottled water will end at Western Washington University, starting in April.
The decision follows efforts of a student-led campaign that urged the university to eliminate on-campus sales, citing unsustainable impacts of bottled water distribution.
The move effects only single…

WWU to end sale of bottled water on campus

Starting in April, bottled water will no longer be sold at Western Washington University.

The decision was made after a student led campaign to increase sustainability at the campus, which is known for its environmental focus.

A member of Students for Sustainable Water at Western…

Rybczyk to discuss rising seas and ecosystem restoration March 13
Landmark Study Demonstrates Climate Benefits of Estuary Restoration

Restore America’s Estuaries has released the findings of a groundbreaking study that confirms the climate mitigation benefits of restoring tidal wetland habitat in the Snohomish Estuary, located within the nation’s second largest estuary: Puget Sound. The study, the first of its kind, finds…

Western to end sale of bottled water on campus
Spring quarter bus passes now available
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