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Environmentalist Bill McKibben to talk at WWU

Environmentalist Bill McKibben will discuss climate change in his lecture "350: The Most Important Number in the World," at 3 p.m. Saturday, May 17, at Western Washington University's Performing Arts Center.

Meadow to discuss the built environment microbiome April 10 at Western
New fare boxes but same payment options on WTA buses

Riders of Whatcom Transportation Authority buses will notice a change when they board starting Friday, April 11.

New fare boxes will be installed in the entire fleet from Friday to Sunday, but most payment options will remain the same. The exception is that WTA will no longer accept free…

Turning waste into jobs the goal of new Bellingham business

Duane Jager admits he didn't know much about textiles when the Ragfinery concept was born, but he did see a great opportunity for reusing products and creating jobs.

The Bellingham job training business organized by ReUse Works celebrated its grand opening last week at 1421 N. Forest…

Bill McKibben to visit WWU, May 17

Environmentalist and author Bill McKibben will give a presentation at 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 17, on the main stage of Western Washington University’s Performing Arts Center.
His presentation, which is part of WWU’s Western Reads program, is titled “350: The Most Important Number in the…

Banning plastic bags is really only the beginning

We’ve banned unleaded gas and don’t regret it. We’ve banned synthetic marijuana and continue to ban its new forms. We’ve gotten used to inside smoking bans. We’ve banned assault rifles ... whoops, not quite yet. We’ve banned plastic bags — well Hawaii, Los Angeles, Mexico City and others cities…

Sustainability Challenge extends sign-up deadline to April 8

The Northwest Washington Sustainability Challenge has extended the deadline for team registration until April 8, according to an announcement from the Northwest Innovation Resource Center, which is running the competition.

Environmentalist and author Bill McKibben to discuss climate change May 17 at Western
Western Washington University ending bottled water sales

Western Washington University will end bottled water sales on campus April 1.

The Bellingham Herald reported Western will be the largest Washington state college or university to ban bottled water sales, thanks to an initiative led by Students for Sustainable Water. The aim was to get…

Power down for spring break
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