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Sustainable travel could win employees fall prizes
WWU Foundation Responds to Request on Fossil Fuels Divestment
WWU’s Troy Abel to lead NSF-funded climate governance study
Back to nature: Last chunk of Elwha dams out in September

The last dam will be blasted out of the Elwha River sometime next month, cementing the hopes of generations of advocates and tribal leaders who fought to make it happen.

With the concrete out, the long-term revival of a legendary wilderness valley in the Olympics…

Official: $20M in projects could make Bellingham state's No. 1 bicycling town

More people per capita bicycle to work in Bellingham than in Seattle. Officials expect even more bicyclists on the street after the City Council approves a new master plan with more than $20 million in bike-friendly road projects.

"Bellingham already has one…

WWU 19th on EPA Green Energy List

Western Washington University is on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s list of the nation’s top 30 green energy purchasers in higher education.
Western, which is 19th on the EPA list, annually offsets 100 percent of its electrical consumption from green sources via purchases of…

Disappearing Rio Grande

The Rio Grande is disappearing. Demand for water is growing as average temperatures rise faster than they ever have in the past 11,000 years. The water that remains is being fought over by the countries and states that agreed to share the river. At the same time, a border fence is being built…

Western is 19th on EPA Green Energy List
Scientist on Rainier chases climate change’s butterfly effect

With a pirouette and swoosh of his net, John McLaughlin is after his quarry.

Up here in the rarefied realm of Mount Rainier’s alpine meadows, the mountain, glaciered and magnificent, seems close enough to touch. Velvet green meadows pool with teal lakes. But…

GEF Program now accepting summer ideas
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