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Anacortes derailment once again raises concerns of environmental damage to Western Washington
Reconsider cancel-culture target at WWU

Consider two names associated with one of our state’s public universities, one a slave owner and the other an abolitionist. Which do you think might be canceled? You got it, the abolitionist.

As Western Washington University …

DDT Detective
DDT Detective
Western’s Wayne Landis Receives NSF Grant to Better Understand the Impacts of Microplastics on Aquatic Life
Researchers to use $3.3 million grant to study impacts of tiny plastics on aquatic life

Oregon State University researchers will use a $3.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation to study tiny plastics and their potential impacts on aquatic life.

Western Washington University will use a separate NSF grant to contribute to the project, Harper said. Wayne Landis,…

New EPA rules could allow for more polluted waters, and tribes and state officials are worried

Some researchers say the extent of possible changes to health risks based on the water quality standard adjustments are difficult to pin down.  

"Anytime a regulation is changed, there's actually a calculation that's supposed to be done. There are often assumptions made in…

Head in the Clouds: Huxley's Wayne Landis talks about his love of flying
Western Washington University’s Huxley College of the Environment to Offer New Summer Program in Poulsbo
WWU faculty explore the pitfalls - and incredible potential - of genetic editing
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