The Environment

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Western geology professor taking part in volcanic expedition

Scientists are collecting samples from the ocean floor off the coast of Greece in hopes of predicting future volcanic activity. Among the team will be volcanologist Susan DeBari, a geology professor at Western Washington University.

“I feel really lucky to be here,” DeBari said in a Zoom…

The Quahog as Weather Forecaster: Inside the Research of WWU’s Nina Whitney 
Salish Sea Institute publishes new paper on how much noise is too much for Southern Resident killer whales
WWU Team Rewriting the Narrative on Ocean Plastics
WWU’s Marco Hatch Awarded a Coveted 2023 Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation
Gulf of Maine sees second-hottest year on record, report shows, ‘getting to the edge of habitability’

“One of the reasons that the Gulf of Maine is warming so rapidly is because of where it sits in the North Atlantic with regards to ocean circulation,” said Nina Whitney, an adjunct scientist at WHOI and research assistant professor at Western Washington University who was the lead author of the…

This is how heat from a volcano can be used to power an entire town

If there are any leaks in the pipes, the substance leaking out is simply water or steam, and there is no hazardous waste, Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, a professor of geology at Western Washington University, told ABC News.

Other than the land use and the environmental damage done by the…

Chemicals 'of concern' flowing into Puget Sound, affecting marine life, scientists say

"I would say the number of chemicals that are in the environment are of concern," said Ruth Sofield, a professor of environmental toxicology at Western Washington University.

The Puget Sound is too often a dumping ground for hundreds of chemicals, according to…

Why snow is turning pink at high altitudes


You've heard of white snow, maybe even gray snow, but what about pink snow? High up in the mountains across the U.S., rapid growth of algae, or algal blooms, are turning melting snow pink. They further darken the surface of the snow and make it melt more quickly, and…

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