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WWU event to discuss removing university investments in fossil fuels

Students calling on Western Washington University to remove its investments from fossil-fuel companies will host a discussion at the university Thursday, March 7.

The campus club Students for Renewable Energy will host the panel on divestment from 6 to 8 p.m. in Academic West room 204.…

Ken Johnsen to discuss the transformation of Seattle’s waterfront Feb. 28 at Western
Western named Recycler of the Year
WWU Receives Recycler Of The Year Award

Western Washington University is receiving the 2013 Institution/Higher Education Recycler of the Year award.

The award from the Washington State Recycling Association spotlights those that are making contributions to strengthening and expanding recycling and waste prevention practices.…

Sustainability lunch and learn starts at noon
Bellingham hopes to trim government involvement at city-run community gardens

The city of Bellingham hopes to save money by shifting the task of overseeing several community gardens to other groups interested in doing the job.

The city also plans to terminate its lease after this year for private property used for a community garden in Happy…

Your small project idea may get Green Energy Fee funding
Dan Pike to discuss Bellingham's waterfront at Western Feb. 7
Art Walk Showcases Annual Upcycle Project

Some local entrepreneurs and a handful of university students are bringing a little upcycle to downtown Bellingham.

February's Downtown Art Walk offers a glimpse at and sale of functional high-design products made from locally discarded materials by 12 students from Western…

WWU 20th on EPA green energy list of top higher ed purchasers of renewable power
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