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Students win $75K for solar window
Input needed on sustainability direction for Western
Western students to present solar window in D.C.
Western Students to Bring Innovative Solar Window Design to EPA’s P3 Competition in Washington, D.C., April 11-12
Pedaling for a purpose

The second floor of the Wade King Student Recreation Center is a place that’s all about expending energy. But Sean Petersmark, junior and business and sustainability major, recognized the cardio area also has massive potential for energy generation.
This spring, Petersmark and two other…

Kids Learn to Fall in Love with Healthy Food at Western Washington University’s Outback Farm

Common Threads Farm, a local organization that helps kids fall in love with healthy food through hands-on cooking and gardening programs, will be relocating its summer programs to the Outback Farm at Western Washington University (WWU).

Bellingham farm camp for kids is moving to WWU

A nonprofit that teaches children about their food from seed to table is moving from its home of five years in Happy Valley to the Outback Farm on the Western Washington University campus.

That means Common Threads Farm will have its summer programs for kids ages 3 to 12 at WWU’s…

Edmonds Community College graduates build environmental educational facility in Italy

Two graduates from Edmonds Community College, Antonio and Kiersten Baiamonte, are building a sustainable educational study abroad facility named, Bio-Monte, Retreats, Tours, and Education in Tuscany, Italy.

The Baiamontes, a married couple, want to connect with students and educators to…

Professor researches geothermal energy options

Diesel fuel from Tacoma travels nearly 2,000 miles by barge to reach the island of Akutan, an Alaskan island in the Aleutian chain, which extends into the Pacific Ocean. Residents there go through 4.2 million gallons of fuel each year, and pay 32 and a half cents per kilowatt hour to power their…

Graduating students may sign sustainability pledge
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