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Discussion on diversity, equity and inclusion with WWU's Meg Warren

Podcast: KGMI host Meg Weber is joined by Meg Warren, Assistant Professor of Management in the College of Business and Economics at WWU to talk about diversity, equity and inclusion

Discussion on diversity, equity and inclusion with WWU's Meg Warren

Podcast: KGMI host Meg Weber is joined by Meg Warren, Assistant Professor of Management in the College of Business and Economics at WWU to talk about diversity, equity and inclusion

CBE's Jason Kanov publishes “Why Suffering Matters!” in the Journal of Management Inquiry
CBE's Meg Warren receives dissertation award from SIOP
Whatcom residents describe racism, and how to be an ally

Learning to be an ally is particularly important at a time when FBI crime statistics and several recent surveys have shown that hate crimes …

Bloomberg Markets: Balance of Power

Show features WWU's Ross Distinguished Visiting Professor Edward Alden.

SACNAS honors WWU's Joe Garcia with presidential award
Three Long-Time CBE Faculty Members to Retire at the End of Spring Quarter
CBE's Joe Garcia wins the OBTS Outstanding Educator Award
Making a case for co-ops: how the rarely-taught business model is gaining traction in Bellingham

Rick Dubrow first considered turning his company into a worker-owned cooperative in 2007. He felt it would be the right thing to do for his long-time employees and for the long-term health of his business, a Bellingham remodeling company called A-1 Builders. More owners—more people with “skin in…

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