Biology Department

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Western Students Dive Deep for Answers on Gulf of Mexico Research Cruise  2020-07-31
Lab Courses Bringing Their Own Unique Challenges to the Online Learning Model 2020-06-02
Transient orca pod makes a splash with visit to Bellingham Bay 2020-05-27
Western Students Jump into Work at Northwest Laboratory’s COVID-19 Testing Facility 2020-04-29
A virus' worst enemy 2020-04-23
VIDEO: Climbing for the origins of life

Dr. Robin Kodner regularly goes to extremes in the name of science. That’s because the microscopic algae she studies live only on glaciers and snowfields high in the mountains. At 2 billion years old, these single-celled colonies predate plants, animals and even fungi. By observing these archaic…

Western’s Sandra Schulze Wins Medal in Prestigious International Photography Competition 2020-02-21
Western grad student Bobbie Buzzell awarded a Sea Grant Fellowship 2020-01-21
Learning how endangered orcas hunt could be the key to saving them

But exactly how orcas go about foraging for their dwindling food source has long been a mystery. Without fully appreciating what enables them to hunt effectively, scientists say we may miss opportunities for effective solutions. 

“By missing the complete picture, we fail to make…

WWU's Deb Donovan and her students fight to save the Salish Sea's pinto abalone 2019-10-09
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