College of Business and Economics

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We're Coming Back

"David Nelson, professor of Economics at Western Washington University and president of Study Groups (FRMC Inc.), offered encouraging news, declaring that the financial system has stabilized and that the economy is growing again."

Eleets Transportation names new president

"Eleets Transportation has named Thomas Shurstad as president. Shurstad is a seasoned industry veteran, with 30 years of domestic and international transportation experience. He will be based in Jacksonville, Fla."

Many Whatcom County stores see rise in sales during holiday season

"While overall retail sales were down locally at the end of 2009, it appears to have been a decent holiday season for local merchants.

Whatcom County generated $771.5 million in retail sales during the fourth quarter of 2009, a 1.2 percent decline compared to the same period the year…

Expansions, openings a positive sign for the economy

"We're not out of the woods yet when it comes to the economy, but it appears that small-business owners and entrepreneurs are feeling a little more confident.

In recent weeks there have been a variety of businesses, particularly retailers, either opening or expanding into a…

WWU professor Daniel Warner to receive 'Environmental Hero' award
Faculty members can apply for upcoming seminar on teaching personal financial literacy
Truck emissions strategy needed: Conference Board report

"A briefing from the Conference Board of Canada says emissions from heavy trucks is a problem effectively being ignored in North America.

The report, entitled 'Freight Trucks and Climate Change Policy Mitigating CO2 Emissions,' suggests the situation…

M2 Telecom Becomes Exclusive Sales Agent for VoIP Innovations

"Arizona-based M2 Telecom signed an exclusivity deal with Pittsburgh-based wholesale telecommunications provider VoIP Innovations, one of the most experienced and respected companies in the VoIP industry.

The agreement makes M2 Telecom the exclusive sales and marketing channel for…

Julie Larson-Green: Microsoft Women Worth Watching

"In the 25-plus years I’ve written about technology, I’ve interviewed fewer than 50 female Microsoft employees (by my rough estimate). In part, this is because there are less of them. Microsoft officials say women comprise 25 percent of the company’s total workforce. It’s also because many…

WWU's Center for International Studies announces varied slate of topics for its spring lecture series
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