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Bellingham March for Science takes aim at ‘political agendas on all sides’

Among those who spoke was Melissa Rice, an assistant professor of Planetary Science at Western Washington University, who…

Provost & Faculty Senate Spring Awards Ceremony April 25
How to enhance your self-confidence

Job interview? Sales pitch? Big date? How you see the situation can affect how it goes. Psychologists know that when you change how you perceive a challenging situation, how you present it to yourself, your performance can improve.

Reasearchers collect seal scat to study decline of fish

Researchers are collecting seal scat across Puget Sound in an effort to learn why salmon and steelhead are at historically low returns. The work is part of the Salish Marine Survival Project. It will supplement a variety of other research, including acoustic tags placed in fish, as well as a…

More people are making the move to Whatcom County

People are moving to Whatcom County again, amid a booming Northwest real estate market and an uptick in the national economy.

Whatcom County had an estimated population of 212,540 in April, according to data released last week by the Washington State Office of Financial Management. That’s…

Parking permit wait lists now open for faculty and staff
Reporting on Islam

With Islam threaded through beats from foreign affairs to crime to education, journalists are stepping up efforts to provide nuanced coverage of Muslims and their religion.

Wind Symphony students in China teaching American music education
Faculty invited to summer commencement Aug. 20 in the PAC
WWU football’s end, Carver remodel were key moments under Bruce Shepard

Bruce Shepard, Western Washington University’s president for the last eight years, will step down at the end of the day Thursday, June 30.

Shepard’s last day comes nearly eight years since he took the helm and just more than a year after he announced his retirement.

“I think you…

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