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What will it take to get phosphorous pollution out of Lake Whatcom?

It will take years to restore Lake Whatcom to what it was, just as it took years for the problem to develop.

“The lake is still showing signs of residential runoff. It’s going to take time. It’s going to take more time than people want to give it. It’s the kind of…

Reasearchers collect seal scat to study decline of fish

Researchers are collecting seal scat across Puget Sound in an effort to learn why salmon and steelhead are at historically low returns. The work is part of the Salish Marine Survival Project. It will supplement a variety of other research, including acoustic tags placed in fish, as well as a…

Upset by graffiti defacing Clayton Beach? Here’s what to do about it

Graffiti scrawled across 200 yards of rock at scenic Clayton Beach will be removed with the help of volunteers on Saturday, June 25.

The work will be done as the investigation continues into who spray-painted a swath of rock, much of it sandstone, in an area that’s popular with families…

College students, citizen scientists survey area beaches for debris

A group canvassed parts of a beach near Cap Sante Marina last week.

While some walked slowly back and forth with their heads down, looking for out-of-place items, others sat in groups with buckets and strainers, sifting sand as if panning for gold.

“We’re picking up anything on the…

College students, citizen scientists survey area beaches for debris

A group canvassed parts of a beach near Cap Sante Marina last week.

While some walked slowly back and forth with their heads down, looking for out-of-place items, others sat in groups with buckets and strainers, sifting sand as if panning for gold.

“We’re picking up anything on the…

North Cascades Institute leading outdoor education for 30 years

In the mid 1980s, Saul Weisberg, now the executive director of the North Cascades Institute, was a climbing ranger in North Cascades National Park and finishing up a graduate degree in biology.

It was the time of timber wars and fights over spotted owls. There was a lot of tension around…

WWU cycling team to compete to produce the most watts May 25
Poulsbo Marine Science Center gets a SEA change

Poulsbo's Marine Science Center became the SEA Discovery Center with the swipe of a pen and unveiling of a new sign Tuesday afternoon.

Western Washington University will take over the center's youth programs, floating lab, aquarium and museum while leasing the building from…

New institute at WWU focuses on health of Salish Sea

As the new Salish Sea Studies Institute gets rolling at Western Washington, Wayne Landis is certain of one thing: It will not be creating studies that collect dust on a library shelf.

“We won’t be doing research just because it’s interesting,” says Landis, a professor of environmental…

Party to celebrate Real Food Challenge May 25 in Miller Hall
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