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Border traffic into Whatcom tracking close to 2013 level

The latest southbound border traffic data indicates Canadians are coming into Whatcom County at a slightly slower pace than 2013.

The number of people that went southbound through the five Whatcom County border crossing totaled 4.7 million through the first four…

'Beyond NAFTA' conference continues until 3 today on campus
Market Report: Impact of weaker Canadian dollar still unclear

Heading into the end of the first quarter of 2014, it's still unclear what impact a weaker Canadian dollar is having on the Whatcom County economy.

While some surveys and analyses by economists indicate less cross-border traffic from British Columbia, southbound traffic was actually…

Survey suggests more cross-border shoppers are staying home

The Canadian dollar’s fall in value over the past year has caused some residents north of the border to make fewer shopping trips into the U.S., according to a recent poll of people living in lower British Columbia.
Steve Mossop, president of Insights West, a Canadian market research firm…

Viewpoint: We need a 21st century U.S.-Canada border

On Dec. 7, 2011, President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper released the Beyond the Border Action Plan, which outlined a shared approach to security and trade facilitation for Canada and the United States. The goal is to address threats within, at and away from our borders…

WWU talk to focus on guest-worker policy between U.S., Canada

Laurie Trautman, who was recently appointed as the incoming associate director of Western Washington University’s Border Policy Research Institute, will present a free talk, titled “Temporary Worker, Permanent Alien: Guest Worker Policy in the U.S. and Canada,” at 12:15 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13…

Loonie falters, but optimism remains for cross-border business

While the recent weakening of the Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar has raised concerns over potential impacts to Whatcom County’s tourism and retail industries, one Ferndale-based company sees the loonie’s drop a bit differently.
For the past two decades, International Market Access…

Border traffic into Whatcom County up 5.7 percent in 2013

It was another big year for southbound border crossings into Whatcom County, but the traffic may start to level off if the Canadian dollar continues to weaken.

Last year more than 16.2 million people crossed the Canada/U.S. border into Whatcom County, a 5.7 percent increase compared to…

We used to be the Canadians

Canadians at the border crossings in the northwestern-most county of the continental United States just keep on coming.

According Western Washington University’s Border Policy Research Institute, about 300,000 Canadian-driven cars crossed over the border from…

New Washington state magazine to target B.C. shoppers

The fierce competition for the Canadian shopping dollar just across the border in Washington state has spawned an idea to steer the sometimes-myopic Canuck shoppers away from malls and big-box stores, to the mom-and-pop shops.

About 30,000 copies of "The Crossing Guide" magazine…

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