Coronavirus News

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Coronavirus school closures to continue in Washington state through the end of the school year

The next time more than a million kids in Washington attend classes, it will be a new school year.

Washington K-12 public, private and charter schools will remain closed through the end of the academic year, Gov. Jay Inslee announced at a Monday news conference. Distance…

Masks donated to Bellingham hospital mean more than protecting staff from coronavirus

Christy Austin says when her mother, Ervena Yu, gets an idea in her head, “she won’t stop — she’ll work on it day and night until she’s done.”

In this case, it was probably a good thing for her mother — almost cathartic.

How else could she possibly put aside the grief of losing…

As coronavirus economic effects strain food banks, Gov. Inslee announces statewide food relief fund

Second Harvest’s team in Pasco wanted to try a new way to hand out food, so they made an event on Facebook.

“250 FREE food boxes will be distributed Tuesday, March 24 for anyone in need” the message said. No IDs required. No proof of need. Just show up, and you’ll receive a box.

Bellingham Motel 6 identified as isolation, quarantine site by Whatcom Unified Command

The Motel 6 in Bellingham has been identified as a quarantine and isolation site for people exposed to the new coronavirus, according to a Monday evening press release by Whatcom Unified Command, the multi-governmental agency that’s directing the local pandemic response.

Whatcom County…

As coronavirus freezes the economy, Gov. Inslee slashes hundreds of millions of dollars from Washington state budget

With the coronavirus effectively shuttering Washington’s economy and crushing state tax collections, Gov. Jay Inslee used his veto pen Friday to slash $445 million in spending from the state operating budget.

In a perhaps unprecedented move, Inslee made line-item vetoes to 147 programs…

Without social distancing, report says Whatcom could have up to 4,200 coronavirus deaths

A Western Washington University administrator has used an online epidemic calculator to forecast how the new coronavirus might affect Whatcom County, and The Bellingham Herald has obtained a copy of…

WTA limits passenger capacity on fixed bus routes amid coronavirus concerns

The Whatcom Transportation Authority will begin limiting passenger capacity on all fixed bus routes beginning Tuesday, April 7, amid concerns over COVID-19, the new coronavirus.

The new regulation will limit capacity on buses to 12 people, to allow commuters to safely socially distance…

Face masks in public now recommended by Whatcom County Public Health Officials

Face masks are no longer just recommended for health professionals — but the general public as well, according to Whatcom County public health officials.

The Whatcom County Health…

Washington state schools chief says coronavirus might keep students out of classrooms through end of school year

Washington State Superintendent Chris Reykdal says school buildings may stay closed through the end of the school year. Since schools …

Washington state stay-at-home order extended through May 4

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on Thursday extended orders to keep non-essential businesses closed and most of the state’s more than 7 million residents home through May 4, saying social distancing measures must remain in place an additional month to minimize the spread of the coronavirus.

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