College of Science and Engineering

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Olympic Peninsula glaciers expected to disappear in the next 50 years

Devoting your life to something that is disappearing can be tough.

Portland State University professor Andrew Fountain has been researching the dwindling glaciers of the American West since the 1980s. He said for years, he studied their retreat dispassionately — as an interesting…

Western Washington Data-Driven Discovery Seminar Series Set for Thursdays this spring 2022-04-22
Washington state universities get funding to create cybersecurity programs as industry demand grows

Breaches in cybersecurity continue to grow in complexity and severity, costing companies more than $10 trillion per year by 2025, according to some estimates.

To help train future cybersecurity…

Scholars Week returning to in-person format this year; registration opens April 25 2022-04-14
Research Recap: A Chemistry grad works in cancer care, research on local herring populations and publication for Behavioral Neuroscience students 2022-04-04
Biology faculty reel in two more prestigious CAREER grants from the NSF 2022-03-26
Logging forests takes this toll on already-strained Nooksack River, new research suggests

The Nooksack River is under enormous strain, as development brings its ecosystems to the brink of collapse and climate change chokes summer water supply by reducing the region’s annual snowpack.

Recent research shows there is another party that should very likely be held partially…

Research Recap For March 7: Chemistry teacher-scholar research grant and solar fuel research 2022-03-07
WWU's Spanel Planetarium to host 'To the Moon' on March 11 2022-03-03
WWU's Melissa Rice celebrates one-year anniversary of rover Mars landing with speaking events at Museum of Flight 2022-02-18
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