Cynthia Camlin

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Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti Visiting Scholar, Department of Art & Art History, Tuesday, November 27
Lynden’s Jansen Art Center to Exhibit Paintings by WWU’s Cynthia Camlin Through Nov. 30
STEAM adds art into the mix of STEM

A new minor offered next year in the art department called STEAM will help students understand art as an important part of science, technology, engineering and math, the fields of study commonly known as STEM.

Artists and geoscientists talk about ice and climate change at next UPS Art-Sci Salon

For most, 68,000 years is a long, long time — long enough for an ice sheet to form in Antarctica. But it’s a rather hard number to grasp for ordinary humans. So that’s where art comes in: specifically, artist Anna McKee, who creates semi-abstract installations that put you metaphorically deep…

Camlin awarded Virginia Center fellowship
Students study art in Italy during summer abroad
Faculty art, design on display through March 9
Names of faculty attending commencement announced
'True Grid' student art on display through Tuesday
Art in the land of fog
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