aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

WWU's Peace Corps office is seeking former Peace Corps volunteers on campus

WWU's Peace Corps office would like to identify those faculty and staff from Western who have previously served in the Peace Corps.

The Institute for Global Engagement's Jerry Smith, Western's Peace Corps representative, would like to build a roster of returned Peace Corps volunteers in the hopes of accomplishing three goals: 

  1. Establish a network of returned volunteers who Jerry can contact to speak in classrooms about the Peace Corps to Western's students, either briefly or at length.
  2. Keep the faculty/staff informed about the latest Peace Corps events and send them the weekly National Peace Corps Newsletter (if they would like to receive it).
  3. Get these faculty/staff to get to know one another and share their stories with each other and their students through events the Peace Corps office will coordinate on campus. Peace Corps has been an integral part of WWU's culture for decades, and Smith is hoping to establish a vibrant community for everyone across campus who has served.

Questions? Please email Jerry Smith at