WWU's Academy for Lifelong Learning Courses include Music, Poetry and More

Contact:  Ariel Cleasby-Heaven, Western Washington University, at Ariel.Cleasby-Heaven@wwu.edu or 360-650-3717. 

BELLINGHAM – Western Washington University’s Academy for Lifelong Learning (A.L.L.), which features academic and cultural programming for the general public, is offering a wide array of fall-quarter courses, including “Image and Perception: Discovering Poetry,” “Shakespeare and Music” and “Songs from the Americas,” as well as an October excursion to the Nordic Heritage Museum and the Ballard Locks. 

What motivates a poet to write? “Image and Perception: Discovering Poetry” explores this question; class time will include reading poetry and participating in writing exercises. Techniques such as how to begin a poem, keeping a poetry journal and improving a poem will be discussed. This course’s instructor, Nancy Canyon, holds a master’s degree in Creative Writing and a certificate in Fiction Writing. She has published both poetry and prose.

“Shakespeare and Music” examines some of the ways in which composers have found inspiration in the works of The Bard. The class includes discussion, readings, listening to musical works, and viewing films, theatrical performances and musical concerts. Course instructor Ed Rutschman is a professor of Music at Western Washington University and holds degrees in piano performance, composition and musicology.

“Songs from the Americas” offers a fascinating look at the history, poetry, and cultures that give roots to traditional Latin American songs. The class will explore traditional songs from cumbias and funeral songs of Columbia to the "new song" movement of Argentina, boleros of Mexico, and songs of Cuba. Instructor  Patricia Herlevi is a veteran arts journalist. She researches and develops music workshops and is a former community radio host.

Participants in the Nordic Heritage Museum and Ballard Locks full-day excursion will visit the Nordic Heritage Museum, the Hiram Chittenden Locks and fish ladder, and walk through the Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Garden. The cost of the program includes transportation and lunch at Anthony's Homeport near the Shilshole Marina.

The A.L.L. courses are open to all interested adults, regardless of age or educational background. For more information, visit the A.L.L. website at www.wwu.edu/all or contact acadll@wwu.edu or (360) 650-4970.