aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

WWU stormwater system to be featured on upcoming tour

RE Sources for Sustainable Communities plans to continue to highlight examples of successful stormwater management in Whatcom and Skagit Counties with a June 3 tour of the stormwater treatment system for the Western Washington University's south campus. The purpose of these tours is to showcase successful stormwater treatment systems and best management practices for pollution prevention, make new connections, and get inspired about clean water.

The WWU system consists of three main elements: a stilling well/flow splitter, wet biofiltration swales and rock plant filters. This unique system was designed and constructed to provide stormwater treatment as well as to serve as a research/teaching facility for university students.

Tour details: Meet at 1:30 p.m. at the newly installed stormwater bioretention facilities at Buchanan Towers. Gather at the lower parking lot at Buchanan Towers. Take public transit: board WTA bus #90A at Lincoln Creek Park and Ride at 1:15. Or purchase a parking permit at WWU and park in a nearby lot (Buchanan Towers lot will probably be full). Return to Lincoln Creek via WTA bus # 190 at 3:04 p.m.

The focus of this tour will be viewing two rock plant filter cells. These are underlain with pea gravel, and have just been rehabilitated to increase their treatment function. In combination with underlying materials, these filters provide maximum mechanical and biological uptake and filtering before stormwater is discharged to Taylor Creek, a tributary of Padden Creek.

This free tour will be introduced by Lee First, RE Sources' pollution prevention specialist. The tour will be co-lead by David Willett, WWU project manager architect, and John Rybczyk, professor and chair of the department of environmental science at WWU.

Questions? Please contact or 360-733-8307.