WWU clubs to host Science Communications Symposium on May 4

Western Washington University’s Molecular Biosciences Club (MBSC) – in collaboration with Chem Club and Biology Student Ambassadors – will host a Science Communications Symposium from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 4 in the Science Lecture Building (SL) 120.

The event will host a panel of professionals who will talk about science communications, particularly in topics regarding: presenting research, publishing, grant writing, podcasting, news releases, teaching and more. Each speaker will talk for five to ten minutes with time for questions at the end. The symposium is free and open to students of all majors, and a number of Western’s STEM clubs will be tabling and providing free refreshments at the event.

The slate of presenters and their topics are:

  • Jeanine Amacher, Associate Professor of Biochemistry at Western - Journal Articles
  • Nicole Brown, Associate Professor of English at Western - Education
  • Matthew Zinkgraf, Associate Professor of Biology at Western - Talks and Conferences
  • Regina Barber, Scientist in Residence at National Public Radio (NPR) - General Public and Media
  • Jackie Rose, Professor of Psychology: Neuroscience at Western - Grant Proposals
  • Greg O’Neil, Professor of Organic Chemistry at Western - Patents

Questions or comments regarding the event or accommodations? Email mbs.wwu@gmail.com.