WWU AS Fall Info Fair scheduled for Sep. 26-27

To maximize student engagement for all, WWU's Associated Students have made the decision to shift the yearly AS Fall Info Fair event from Monday-Tuesday, September 25-26 to Tuesday-Wednesday, September 26-27, 11:00am-2:00pm both days

Clubs and departments who registered for the event were sent an email about the changes. Because Wednesday is the start of Fall Quarter classes, participants have been asked to not have amplified sound, and music from KUGS will not be playing. 

Volunteers are needed!

Volunteers will help guide students to tables, answer basic questions, and will check students into the event through the Western Involvement Network. The first 500 to check in each day will receive a tote bag that the volunteers will hand out. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this form by September 14: https://win.wwu.edu/submitter/form/start/596390

Any questions about the event can be directed to Leona, the AS Fall Info Fair Coordinator, as.infofair.coordinator@wwu.edu