aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

Western recognized as ‘Military Friendly School’

Western Washington University for the fifth straight year has been selected as a “Military Friendly School” for 2015, placing Western in the top 20 percent of all higher education institutions nationwide.

“As an Iraq Combat Veteran I can confidently say that attending Western Washington University is an excellent choice to continue your path of higher education. It is a place filled with supportive, understanding people who want to see you succeed; it is a place surrounded by natural beauty and a sense of community. It is an ideal setting for you to grow and thrive as an individual,” said Western senior Chanan Suarez.

Based on a survey of more than 10,000 colleges and universities, Western is one of the schools to receive recognition for doing the most to assist America’s military service members and veterans as students.

“We strive to make the transition to school as easy as possible for veterans just discharging from service, dependents of veterans who are pursuing their education and anyone who is part of the veteran community. We can facilitate their educational benefits process, but also provide a space for them to decompress, do some studying, grab a cup of coffee and build some community. These are some of the extra steps that make us ‘military friendly,’” said Ann Beck, assistant director of Veterans Services at Western.

Western offers a range of Veterans Services through the Registrar’s Office. The Associated Students have a very active Veterans Outreach Center.

The Military Friendly Schools® media and website feature the list, interactive tools and search functionality to help military students find the best school to suit their unique needs and preferences. According to Victory Media, the colleges, universities and trade schools on this year’s list exhibit leading practices in the recruitment and retention of students with military experience. These schools have world-class programs and policies for student support on campus, academic accreditation, credit policies, flexibility and other services to those who served.

Now in its sixth year, the 2015 list of Military Friendly Schools® was compiled through a data-driven survey of more than 10,000 schools nationwide approved for VA tuition funding. The survey results that comprise the 2015 list were independently tested by Ernst & Young LLP based upon the weightings and methodology established by Victory Media.