aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

WebTech Monthly News - October 2021

November Drupal Training Sessions Available

Are you new to editing a Drupal site? Or are you a current Drupal user that wants to improve your editing game? There are Drupal training sessions in November and January open for sign-up:

  • Monday, November 15; 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

  • Tuesday, January 11; 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

  • Wednesday, January 12; 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Learn more and reserve your spot at the Beginning Drupal training page.

NEW. We are now offering Drupal Team Training. Need customized Drupal training for you and at least one other team member that focuses on the specific elements that apply to your department website? Email to schedule a time and date.

October Site Launches

Drupal Updates

Drupal 9.2.7

All Drupal 8 sites were upgraded to the latest version of Drupal. This provides native lazy loading of all images where appropriate, WebP image format support, and continued support from the global Drupal community. Symfony 4 and Twig 2.x are the new baseline for module and theme development. The day to day use of the websites should appear to be quicker loading than in the past.

Drupal Theme Updates

  • Fixed keyboard accessibility bug for accordions built in Drupal views

  • Revisions feature no longer breaks when sites use breadcrumb blocks

  • Updated and fixed bugs with headline block styling

  • General bug fixes and usability improvements

Further detailed updates can be found in the Ashlar change log.

WordPress: Updates from CampusPress

  • No significant updates were made to CampusPress during October.

Review the CampusPress Changelog for specific details on plugin updates.

Site Building Tips

Finding Images for Your Website

Finding images can be one of the most time-consuming and frustrating parts of maintaining a website as most of us do not have a photographer on hand to get the photo we need, when we need it. However, there are sources out there that make it easier. While many sources cost a monthly fee (Adobe Stock Images and iStock for example), there are still a few places to find quality, free, and most importantly copyright free images for your department or program website - if you bring a little bit of creativity to the game. You still must give credit to the photographer or artist when that is part of the agreement. Here are our go-to resources for high quality, copyright-free images for Western websites:

Questions? Check out additional photography guidelines provided by University Marketing.