Volunteers sought for Move Out Madness!
Move Out Madness has been a WWU tradition since 2010. During move out time, students bring their unwanted items in good condition to one of three outdoor locations around Bellingham to be claimed by other students, community members, or community organizations. It’s a yard-sale-meets-gear-swap that reduces landfill waste, makes moving out easier, builds community, and gets items to the people who need them.
Zero Waste Western is excited to co-host Move Out Madness with the AS Recycle Center this year in collaboration with Off Campus Living, Community Relations, Res-Reuse, and the City of Bellingham. These new collaborations with the Recycle Center and Res-Reuse amplify and support Zero Waste’s mission to keep well-loved and to be loved items out of the landfill, bringing items directly back into the campus community. This year, Move Out Madness is happening Saturday, June 12 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participants are required to sign up for a time slot through the sign-up below if they want to drop unwanted items off or browse our donations.
Sign up here to volunteer for Move Out Madness!:
Sign up here to browse or drop off items!: