aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti Visiting Scholar, Department of Art & Art History, Tuesday, November 27

Public Lecture, 11:30am-12:30pm, Fine Arts Building Room 238

Please join us for a public lecture on Tuesday, November 27, 11:30am, in FI238, by Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti PhD, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Race, Inequalities and Global Change at the University of British Columbia. Andreotti’s work “conceptualizes education as an expansion of frames of reference and of fields of signification with a view to expanding possibilities for ethical solidarities.” Andreotti’s visit is made possible by Cynthia Camlin’s Art and Ecology course in the Department of Art and Art History, with support from the WWU Salish Sea Institute and the Center for Canadian American Studies.

A scholar of education for social change, Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti, brings an important humanistic and social justice dimension to arts education. For students in Art and Ecology, Andreotti will offer conceptual frameworks and practical feedback and guidance for the “eco-action” events that are their final projects. An introduction to Andreotti’s writing may be found in her 2015 presentation at the Indigenous Scholars Conference at the University of Alberta, “Torpor and Awakening,” ,

The “Salish Wonder Room” in Western Gallery’s exhibition, “Modest Forms of Biocultural Hope,” continues to change. “Drawerful” 3d projects by students in Art and Ecology have replaced specimens in vitrines. Please visit!