Updated summer and fall dates for OAR programs released
The New Student Services/Family Outreach office would like to share follow-up information related to the upcoming virtual Orientation, Advising, and Registration programs for new students. Specific dates for the Summer Quarter and Fall Quarter Advising & Registration (A&R) sessions have now been confirmed.
Students will complete an online reservation to attend a one-day virtual advising and registration session prior to the quarter they begin at Western. These sessions will include (virtual) advising in a small group and individually with faculty, staff and student advisors. As new students often seek contact with academic departments to complete their course planning and registration processes during A&R sessions, departments are strongly encouraged to review the dates and help ensure availability during these dates.
Attendance at an Advising & Registration session is required for first-year/Running Start students and strongly recommended for transfer students. Post-baccalaureate students entering Fall Quarter are encouraged to attend a Fall Quarter A&R session, and those entering for Summer Quarter may contact the Academic Advising Center to schedule an individual appointment.
Summer Quarter 2021 Advising & Registration Session Date:
Transfer Student Session: May 7
Fall Quarter 2021 Advising & Registration Session Dates:
Transfer & Post-baccalaureate Student Sessions: July 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, and 29
First Year High Credit (45+ transfer credits) Student Sessions: August 2, 3, 4, and 5
First Year Non-High Credit (<45 transfer credits) Student Sessions: August 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, and 26
All new students are directed to visit New Student Services/Family Outreach’s “Welcome New Students” website to get started on their Orientation, Advising, and Registration journey. The “Welcome New Students” page guides students on their next steps to connect to advising and registration programs by quarter, valuable new student and family orientation resources, and links to complete required and recommended preparatory actions.
Campus departments may also use the “Welcome New Students” page to access quarterly information and dates for Advising & Registration sessions. Additionally, upcoming Orientation events and on-going access to resource offerings remains available on the “New Student and Family Orientation” website. [Please note the Orientation website will be receiving significant updates over the course of the next two months in preparation for the Fall 2021 Programs.]
For more information about New Student and Family Orientation, Advising, and Registration programs, please contact the New Student Services/Family Outreach office at NSSFO@wwu.edu or 360.650.3846.