Updated charter of the Associated Students of WWU solidifies focus on student representation and updates oversight of programming offices
During Winter Term 2024, the ASWWU Governing Bodies (Executive Board and Senate) voted to approve an updated ASWWU Government Charter. The ASWWU President and Senate President worked with President Randhawa from Summer 2023-Winter 2024 to develop the updated charter language.
The new charter was officially signed by all three presidents in February 2024 and replaces the last ASWWU Charter version from 2010. The updated Charter reaffirms the Associated Students of Western Washington University (ASWWU) as the sole recognized student association of Western Washington University as allowed by Washington State law.
The charter defines the voting membership of ASWWU as “all full-time, part-time, graduate, and undergraduate students registered for at least one academic credit at any WWU location where students pay Services and Activities (S&A) Fees." It also focuses on ASWWU Government’s role in representing ASWWU members in shared governance of Western. The ASWWU continues to be charged with ensuring student representation on issues and topics important to students across the University and to appropriate local and state governmental agencies.
Historically, ASWWU Government and Administration has had many roles at Western including oversight of student activity and engagement programming. The updated ASWWU Governance Charter is a continuation of work begun in 2015 through the AS Structural Review process which recommended a separate structure to manage programming offices and the creation of the two-body student government that exists today.
To accomplish the recommendation on program office management, under the leadership of Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services Melynda Huskey, a new department, Student Engagement, has been established which will now operate under the umbrella of WWU Student Life, reporting to Dean of Student Life Michael Sledge.
This department, which branches off from the Viking Union and ASWWU Governance, will provide administrative support and supervision to the offices and areas previously known as “AS Programs.” Student Engagement will continue to provide high-quality services funded by the S&A fee to create a sense of connection and community among the student body. The professional staff and student employees in Student Engagement will work together to gather the voices of students to help shape the future direction of the programs under their purview, which include: 89.3 KUGS FM, the Outdoor Center, Community Service Center, Wavelength, Arts & Music Productions, Publicity Center, Club Activities, and the Student Engagement Business Office.
As part of this reorganization, programming areas that were still using “AS” as part of their title or brand will drop that name association and undergo rebranding. Notably, AS Productions will now be known as Arts & Music Productions (AMP). This is one of several updates that will be implemented over the coming year, including changes to signs, forms, and email addresses. It is important to note that restructuring has not resulted in the elimination of any staff or student employment positions or any programming budgets.
This change reflects ASWWU Government and Student Engagement’s commitment to responding to student feedback and addressing the expressed needs for greater participation, reduced bureaucratic barriers, and improved work-life balance. The restructuring aims to streamline processes and provide clearer lines of responsibility, ultimately enhancing the overall student experience.
For further information, please refer to the new ASWWU Charter or contact Adam Lorio, director of Student Government Advising and Programs, at lorioa@wwu.edu. Inquiries regarding the Student Engagement department may be directed to Casey Hayden, associate director of Student Activities and/or Jenn Cook, associate director of Student Engagement.