Update from Business Services on Campus Purchasing

Per the email sent March 13 from Faye Gallant, WWU assistant VP of Strategy, Management, and Budget, Western’s Procurement, Contracts and Travel Services offices are updating their systems to include the additional layer of VP approvals for purchases over $1,000 using State Operating Funds; specifically, those fund codes in the 10000 series or Fast Indexes beginning with FB.

These changes will be in effect over the next few weeks and individual system update messages will be posted. In the interim, if you have a Procurement or Contract request using State Operating Funds and it exceeds $1,000, please work through your respective Deans/Directors to obtain VP approval attaching the approval to your request. If you have a travel request using State operating funds regardless of dollar amount, please similarly work through your respective Deans/Directors to obtain VP approval and attach to the travel request. 

Thank you in advance, 

Andrea Rodger 

WWU Director of Business Services