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WWU's Ray Wolpow Institute to host international Holocaust symposium, public lecture
Western receives $2M for engineering and cybersecurity programming, academic outreach

Western Washington University will receive an additional $2.07 million from the state Legislature to expand programming and increase academic outreach, among other smaller expenditures.

The largest buckets of funding from the state’s operating budget went to expand the electrical and…

Can-Am speaker series begins Feb. 8 at noon with 'Homelessness in Canada'
RWI inviting applications to spring institute with the Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University
WWU’s Ray Wolpow Institute co-hosting Marsha Lederman for “Kiss the Red Stairs: The Holocaust Once Removed” at Congregation Beth Israel Nov. 12
WWU’s Ray Wolpow Institute to host international symposium on Holocaust literature
Meet Max Stone, Western's new student trustee
US Holocaust Museum's Annual Meyerhoff Lecture held in a packed Fraser Hall
WWU saw several bias incidents this school year. Now the campus hosts a Holocaust Museum event

Western Washington University will host a prestigious annual discussion of antisemitism amid a national spike in hate against Jews and a school year that has seen bigotry against several minority groups on campus. Focus of the event is how the Nazi Party forced schools to teach its racist…

Western Washington University to host the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s annual Meyerhoff Lecture Friday, April 7  
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