Retirement party for Tina Loudon set for Oct. 30 at 2 p.m. in the Solarium
After nearly 40 years of dedicated service to the Enrollment and Student Services Division, our colleague Tina Loudon has shared that she is eager to begin her second career – retirement! Tina joined Western in October, 1978 as a counselor in Career Planning and Placement and - in helping so many students and mentoring so many staff with their careers – in so doing – she created her own life-long career!
Tina’s career path reflects her readiness to adapt to the needs of the division – always willing to step up to the next challenge and to serve in roles that extended beyond departmental walls. Tina was promoted to associate director of Career Planning & Placement in 1987 and then appointed as director in 1995. In 2005 she took on the role of interim director of Academic Advising & Tutorial Services in addition to her role as director of Career Planning & Placement. In 2008 she began serving as director of Academic Advising, Tutorial Services and Career Services, eventually working with staff to rename the combined departments as the current Academic and Career Development Services (ACDS). Her leadership across these departments has allowed the team to develop integrated approaches to best serve students.
Tina has not only created many collaborative relationships with our academic and advancement partners over her many years at Western; she has also lectured in the Psychology Department. The positive contributions of staff who dually report to Tina and CBE or the Foundation are another example of Tina’s ability to share vision and goals across the institution.
Tina’s organization skills and her positive and calm disposition have served the Enrollment and Student Services division well. She has chaired the Services and Activities Fee Committee and the Scholastic Standing Committee over many years, as well as various searches and has assisted the central division office in other ways. In 2016, Tina was the recipient of the NAKAMA award for outstanding commitment to student support.
Her next adventures will include spending more time with family, utilizing her green thumb, and traveling.
Please join the ACDS staff to celebrate Tina’s retirement on Monday, Oct. 30; from 2-4 p.m. in the Old Main Solarium. Light refreshments will be provided.