Priority FAFSA filing date extended to April 1
WWU is extending the priority FAFSA filing date to April 1 to allow more time for families to submit their FAFSAs.
Recent Updates About the FAFSA
The U.S. Department of Education has announced that they will need to make additional changes to the file layout, causing additional delays. With that, FAFSA data is not expected to be received until late March. Additionally, the Department of Education has continued to acknowledge an issue that is impeding FAFSA submission for students whose parents do not have a social security number. They now plan to resolve that issue by mid-March.
Western is closely monitoring these updates and staying prepared for any further changes.
Updates from WWU
In light of the ongoing challenges impacting students, Western has extended its FAFSA priority filing date to April 1, providing students additional time to navigate the application process. Western's priority is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to access the financial aid they need to pursue their education.
The WWU Financial Aid team will continue to host FAFSA Completion Support throughout March to assist students and families in filing the FAFSA.
The university will continue assessing the situation and informing students of any further updates or changes. Students and their families can check for recent updates on the WWU Financial Aid page.