aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

Peter Robinson to Discuss the Future of Environmentalism April 13 at Western

Peter Robinson, CEO of the David Suzuki Foundation, will discuss how modern environmentalism has changed between generations as part of the WWU Huxley College of the Environment Speaker Series at 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 13 in Miller Hall 138 on the Western Washington University campus.

The presentation is free and open to the public.

The baby boomer generation is aging and at the same time we are hearing a narrative that environmentalism is failing. Peter Robinson argues that these two occurrences are no coincidence – they are linked. Robinson will use the framework of generational theory to discuss how modern environmentalism is being (re)interpreted and (re)defined by a younger generation of people who care about the environment – and the future implications for a world view that embraces nature as the conceptual basis for how we live our lives.

Peter began his career working as a park ranger in wilderness areas throughout British Columbia, where he was decorated for bravery by the Governor General of Canada. After his park career, he worked at BC Housing, a provincial crown corporation, eventually becoming its CEO. Prior to his appointment as CEO of the David Suzuki Foundation, he was the CEO of Mountain Equipment Co-op. Peter holds a Doctor of Social Sciences, a Master of Arts in Conflict Analysis and Management, a Bachelor of Arts in Geography, as well as diplomas in Community Economic Development and Fish & Wildlife Management.

The presentation will include a question-and-answer period. Anyone interested in the topic is encouraged to attend and participate.

The Huxley College Speaker Series, sponsored by Western’s Huxley College of the Environment, is intended to bring together environmentally-minded members of the WWU and Bellingham communities. Speakers address topics of contemporary environmental concern in the region and the world.

WWU’s Huxley College of the Environment is one of the oldest environmental colleges in the nation and a recognized leader in producing the next generation of environmental professionals and stewards. Huxley’s distinctive, interdisciplinary curriculum reflects a broad view of the physical, biological, social, and cultural world, and has earned international recognition for quality.

For more information, please contact WWU’s Huxley College of the Environment at (360) 650-2949 or visit the website: