Steven Globerman

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Steven Globerman: ESG may be a lose-lose for both shareholders and stakeholders

In the roughly five decades following the publication of Milton Friedman’s iconic advocacy of profitability as the single normative goal of managers of public…

Guest Opinion: Trudeau government should help increase productivity to tame inflation

Canada’s inflation rate has hit 7.7%, which will undoubtedly spur more sharp interest rate increases by the Bank of Canada in coming months.

For its part, the federal government seems willing to stand aside and not provoke a conflict with the central bank — even if higher interest rates…

Is private insurance really at odds with universal health care?

“[T]here is no private insurance coverage or out-of-pocket payment for basic health care services in Canada, which distinguishes Canada’s health care system from those of other high-income countries,” said Globerman, who is a professor emeritus at Western Washington University and a senior…

What does the new US-Canada trade deal mean for Whatcom? Here are some possibilities

The new trade deal, reached late Sunday night, will be called the United…

Donald Trump's dubious attack on U.S.-Canada trade

Most of the time, Canada isn’t the biggest target of ire for American politicians. But in a speech to governors on Feb. 26, President Donald Trump took aim at the country’s neighbors to the north, calling out the balance of trade between the two nations.

On trade, …

Steven Globerman: Canada has a scarcity of doctors, and it may get worse

While health care is a dynamic service characterized by the continual introduction of new drugs and medical devices, physicians remain at the centre of health-care delivery. It is therefore worth noting that Canada lags well behind almost all developed countries in the availability of physician…

Canada should accept increased competition under new NAFTA

The U.S. administration tipped its hand ahead of this week’s NAFTA negotiations in Washington, D.C.

A report released by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative last month set out, in broad strokes, the administration’s negotiating strategy.

Not surprisingly, the…

Why is the Canadian dollar doing well in January?

Story features WWU's Steven Globerman.

Stronger Patent Protections Could Lead to New Life-Saving Drugs and Lower Costs for Patients

"Stronger patent protections would encourage the development of new drugs and medical devices, which could improve and even save the lives of Canadians," said Steven Globerman, Fraser Institute senior fellow, Kaiser Professor of International Business at…

CRTC at a crossroads

The regulation of Canada's broadcasting sector by the CRTC is at a crossroads. Technological change, especially the proliferation of streaming video over the Internet, or so-called over-the-top (OTT) broadcasting, is seriously challenging the viability of the regulatory model that's…

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