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Colleges Must Revise Millions of Web Pages. It Will Be ‘Painful.’

Another reality is that higher ed loves documents — especially PDFs, a much-maligned format among accessibility advocates. PDFs are, for example, often missing style “tags,” which define elements like headings, paragraphs, and tables, making them effectively unintelligible to assistive…

Western Way: Jim Long makes complex tasks look easy
WWU video wins Public Service Recognition Week honors
What to expect in Drupal 8

Max Bronsema is the chief architect and director of web communication technologies for Western Washington University (WWU) in Bellingham, Washington. Previously, he was the lead Drupal architect at the university, leading a small student team developing innovative Drupal solutions for the public…

For people like Rebecca Marrall, hearing loss needn't be a barrier
Samantha Zimmerman: 'patient, courteous and funny'
Max Bronsema to Take Over WebTech After Marie Raney Retires in September
Employees to receive special awards April 29
Exceptional effort awardees announced
New issue of ATUS News now online
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