Parking, transportation committees active in determining plans for Western

A couple of parking and transportation committees are active on campus to fulfill and enhance various aspects of the university's mission.

The Parking and Transportation Advisory Committee: This committee advises the vice president for Business and Financial Affairs on parking issues that include current challenges and future needs to provide sufficient, sustainable and accessible parking for faculty, staff, students and visitors while balancing those needs with alternative transportation goals. Working with a parking “peer review team,” the committee reviews, evaluates and makes recommendations on parking fees, policy issues, financial conditions and a communication plan with the community.

The Parking and Transportation Capital Implementation Advisory Committee: The scope of this committee is to start where the Institutional Master Plan ended by flushing out the circulation specifics. It will review the existing parking and transportation system, measure the validity of the circulation sections of the 10-year-old IMP, develop phased implementation plans for meeting the university's and the community’s needs, and create viable pricing models for achieving the university’s goals.

These committees, although closely related, do have separate charges and scopes. Some representatives are members of both committees. Each committee comprises representatives from student, staff and faculty organizations, seeking to gather input widely from throughout the WWU campus community.

The PTAC is being chaired by Chief of Police Randy Stegmeier, and the Capital Committee is being chaired by Director of Facilities Development & Capital Budget Rick Benner.

These committees will be holding a joint “Town Hall” meeting soon (time and date to be determined) and also conducting a campus-wide survey.

For more information on these committees or to determine your area representative, contact Chief Stegmeier at