aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

Pair of WWU sculptures to swap places this summer

'Bigger Big Chair' and 'The Man Who Used to Hunt Cougars for Bounty' to flip locations in September after initial site work is completed
Bigger Big Chair will be shifted to its permanent location on the Old Main Lawn in front of the Wilson Library this summer.

Beginning the week of July 22, a contractor will be on campus to relocate two of Western’s outdoor sculptures. 

The move aims to correct the mis-installation of David Ireland's Bigger Big Chair (2004-7), which symbolizes a “seat of learning” and was intended for the library lawn to connect with the university’s academic core. Its current location outside the main campus prevents proper appreciation, while Richard Beyer’s The Man Who Used to Hunt Cougars for Bounty (1972) would be better suited in the woods near Fairhaven, reflecting its subject’s hunting background.

Preparation work, including fencing, excavation, and concrete pouring, will occur from July 23 to Aug. 2 on Old Main lawn near Wilson Library, with crews onsite Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. Construction noise will begin no earlier than 8:30 a.m. The new footing for the sculpture will then need to cure for 28 days through the end of August.

In September, the contractor will complete final preparations, transport the sculptures, and install them in their new locations. A crane and other heavy equipment will be on campus to complete the project, and notification will be sent before work begins again.

All work areas will be fenced, with pedestrian detours posted. Please use caution around construction areas and observe posted signage. The contractor will mitigate noise, dust, and other construction impacts as much as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

Doug MacLean, FDO Project Manager (360) 650-3791