aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

Office of Off Campus Living hosting series of events for students transitioning to living off campus for the first time

Every year, the office of Off Campus Living hosts several events to aid students transition to living off campus for the first time, find new roommates or housing, and gain skills and information to navigate renting.

The first event, Roommate Speed Date, will be held on Feb. 13 and is a fantastic opportunity for students looking to meet other potential roommates, while enjoying food, games, and music.

On Feb. 24, OCL will hold "Housing and Hashbrowns," which will give students an opportunity to talk to a panel of experts on housing and housing rights in Bellingham.

The House Hunting Lab on March 6 will give students the chance to talk to the Off Campus Living staff to ask any and all questions they may have pertaining to living off campus.

At the Off Campus Housing Fair on March 14, students can meet landlords, property managers, and renter support agencies to find out what they have to offer renters whether its housing, rental assistance or tenant education and advocacy.

To learn more details about these events, head to the Off Campus Living website at, or see them on the Western Involvement Network at