New policies posted for 30-day campus review
The policies below are posted for 30-day campus review from Jan. 14-Feb. 13.
- POL-U1400.03 Establishing and Changing Course Fees, Lab Fees and Academic Program Fees
- POL-U1400.04 Administering and Spending Course and Lab Fees and Academic Program Fees
- POL-U5315. 25 Reporting Loss of University Funds or Property
These policies were reviewed by groups and individuals across campus and revised to reflect their input. A 30-day comment period is required prior to the final draft review by the University Policy and Rules Review Group. The policies will be posted from Jan. 14-Feb. 13 and the campus community is encouraged to review the documents at Please feel free to pass this announcement on to other colleagues. Written comments may be sent to or to University Policy and Public Records, Mail Stop 9044.
If you have any questions regarding this announcement, please contact the Director, University Policy and Public Records at ext. 2728. Thank you for your review of the policy, your time and input is appreciated.