Names of faculty members attending commencement announced

The following faculty members should have received a memo from Jana Schueler of the Registrar's Office confirming their attendance at Winter Commencement:

Steven Fleishman, Andrea Gogrof-Voorhees, Jim Graham, Ronald Helms, Steve Henson, Susan Kincaid, Donald Larsen, Matthew Liao-Troth, Ed Love, Derrick Mears, John Miles, Jason Morris, Sandra Mottner, Kraig Pencil, Tim Pilgrim, Judy Pine, Andreas Riemann, George Sanders, John Sands, Rae Lynn Schwartz-DuPre, Kris Slentz, Peter Smith, Joan Stevenson, Chris Suczek, Charles Sylvester, Elsi Vassdal-Ellis, Daniel Warner, Dennis Whitcomb, Christopher Wise, Jianying Zhang

Those who did not receive a memo or who plan to attend but were not listed should contact Jana Schueler at (360) 650-3701 or as soon as possible. Those wishing to cancel also should contact Schueler.

Faculty members who need regalia for the ceremony can order online from Royal T Papers at Those with questions about their orders can contact Jeniene Bengtsson in the Alumni Office at (360) 650-3353.