aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

Names of faculty attending commencement announced

The following faculty members should have received a memo from Jana Schueler of the Registrar's Office confirming their attendance at fall commencement, set for Dec. 15:

Leo Bodensteiner, Beth Boland, David Bover, Cynthia Camlin, Sarah Campbell, Mick Cunningham, Karen Dade, Burak Dolar, Thor Hansen, Dave Hirsch, Jennifer Keller, George Kriz, Chuck Lambert, Janice Lapansky, Barbara Lehman, Rob Lopresti, LeaAnn Martin, Diane Penland, Keith Russell, Roger Sasnett, Kent Smith, Joan Stevenson, Charles Sylvester, Larry Symons, Daniel Warner, Ryan Wasserman, Tjalling Ypma

If you did not receive a memo, or if you plan to attend and your name is not on the list, contact Jana Schueler at 360-650-3701 (or e-mail at as soon as possible. Also, please contact her if you need to cancel.

Faculty who need regalia for the ceremony can order online from Royal T Papers. Faculty with questions about their order can contact the Alumni Office at 360-650-3353.