aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

LGBTQ+ WWU to relaunch Safe Zone program

Western Washington University's LGBTQ+ Western department is excited to relaunch the Safe Zone training program. Safe Zone is an LGBTQ+ ally training program seen at K-12 schools and in higher education. A committee has been formed to plan for the relaunch, and its first meeting will be Thursday, July 25th. Register to join the committee and learn more about the Safe Zone program.

About Safe Zone 

Western had a Safe Zone program from 2012-2016. This program was an impactful start to support students, faculty, and staff as they developed knowledge about the LGBTQ+ community. Safe Zone is not just for straight and cisgender people, but meant for people of any identity can support their LGBTQ+ friends, students, colleagues, and community. Many LGBTQ+ people use Safe Zone trainings to learn about identities they don't hold, and may even explore their identities using the information learned. Learn more.