aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

June 10 Design Showcase at Western Features Speaker and Navy Veteran Chad Brown

Western Washington University’s Department of Design will show the work of nearly 50 graduating Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Arts students at the annual Senior Portfolio Show. The work will be on display Friday, June 10 from 1–4 p.m. in the Academic Instruction Center West second and third floor lobbies

Students will show a range of work completed throughout the program, including typography, printmaking, packaging design, motion graphics, branding, and interaction design.

In conjunction with the display, U.S. Navy veteran and designer Chad Brown will give a guest lecture at noon in Academic Instruction Center West, room 204. Brown participated in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Desert Shield. He served at Guantánamo Bay and saw combat during the country’s military operations in Somalia. He is a trained designer and has launched a lifestyle fishing brand as well as a nonprofit that connects disadvantaged youth with veterans through fishing excursions.

The design displays and the lecture are free and open to the public. Weekday parking passes for guests can be ordered online in advance at

Call (360) 650-3660 for disability accommodation and more information about the event.