WWU receives Bee Campus Certification, pledges to protect pollinators
Western Washington University (WWU) is now a Certified Bee Campus.
This means WWU is now recognized by the Xerces Society, an organization dedicated to global pollinator conservation. The Bee Campus USA program helps pollinators by increasing the number of native plants, protecting nest sites and limiting pesticides on campus.
Fairhaven College at WWU is home to the Outback Farm. The 5-acre farm is surrounded by protected wetlands and is home to about 12 classes on year-round farm skills. This year, they will offer the first course that is exclusively about beekeeping.
Terri Kempton is the Outback Farm manager and said their outdoor classroom is a reflection of the 50-year anniversary they’re celebrating this year.
“Fifty years ago a group of intrepid students moved outside, built a barn, got some animals, started farming and decided that it was now a farm,” Kempton said.
See the full video segment on King 5, here: https://www.king5.com/article/news/education/wwu-bee-campus-certification/281-adf7fb63-9671-4b88-bbe1-2fe0cb38ed0e.