Skagit Transit rolls out youth ride free program

All youth under 18 can now ride free on Skagit Transit. 

The Youth Ride Free Program launched on June 20 and is described as a program to help youth “get to work to educational programs, to the libraries and museums,” applying to the transit system’s fixed-route and paratransit services. 

In March, the Washington Legislature approved a transportation package titled Move Ahead Washington. Part of the package is a $3 billion transit package to roll out over the next 16 years. But the transit support grants embedded in the $3 billion package have strings attached — only agencies who make youth transit free by Oct. 1 will have access to the support grants.  

Brad Windler, the planning and outreach supervisor at Skagit Transit, said the transit agency is expecting to see $1.3 million annually in support grants. 

Right now, youth just need to tell the bus driver their age to qualify. In August, those 15 and older will need to use Skagit Transit’s fare system Umo. Youth can pick up a free Umo Youth card at the Skagit Station customer service office or mail in an application.  
