aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

Informational security chat to focus on phishing March 26

Linc Nesheim, an information security officer at Western Washington University, will hold a chat about phishing from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 26, in Haggard hall Room 153.

Email is a critical communication medium for many functions at WWU. Information Security seems to be on everyone's mind more and more each day.

Western account holders or frequently targeted by internet scammers and virus writers looking for unsuspecting targets.

You may have noticed a recent wave of spam (phishing) messages that appear to come from WWU email addresses.

This session will help to explain what happens when we see these sorts of messages, how to spot them, and how to respond.

While there is no "easy" way to eliminate these things 100 percent of the time -- there are ways to reduce your chances of getting hooked by one of these messages.

This session will be an informal chat session attended by a handful of campus technical representatives and is open to anyone who wants to discuss how to be better prepared in the ever-changing world of online communications.