From RSP: Graduate call for proposals
The following call for internal research/scholarly/creative activity proposal funding will be emailed directly to all faculty and will be available for download at:
If you have questions, please email them to
NEW SUBMISSION PROCEDURE AND DEADLINE: By March 11, 2019, submit all required components (listed below) as ONE PDF to Include digital signatures from the applicant, faculty advisor, and cognizant department chair. No paper copies will be accepted.
Graduate research - Graduate student research awards assist students in accomplishing the research/scholarly/creative work required by their degree program. Up to $2000 per project may be proposed, and approximately $60,000 total is available annually from this fund. Requested funding should be relevant to the student's research/scholarly/creative work and represents support that is not already available to the applicant through their academic department or college. Any equipment acquired using award funds remains University property. The Research Advisory Committee makes funding recommendations to the Vice Provost for Research. Awards may begin in the upcoming spring term.