Encampment Updates and Resources

May 31, 2024

From President Sabah Randhawa: Encampment resolution and reflections

Dear WWU community, 

As I shared earlier this week, we have reached a resolution with students from the WWU Divest Apartheid Coalition. I believe the agreement reflects the good faith discussions we’ve had with our students over the past several weeks and is consistent with Western’s values and core academic mission. The resolution includes a commitment to transparency regarding university investments, a new process for consideration of requests for divestment from investments held by the University and the Foundation for WWU & Alumni, and procedures to ensure that procurement decisions are consistent with institutional values and principles. The agreement also includes provisions for ensuring University-endorsed study abroad programs are inclusive to all students regardless of their background, as well as a renewed commitment from the University to expand the work initiated by the Office of Equity, including engaging the campus community in dialogue around use of language and how various interpretations of terms can impact the university community.

As part of the agreement, encampment leaders agreed to voluntarily remove the encampment, a process which is now complete. The entire agreement can be accessed here.   

Click here or on the headline above to read the full message. Sent 10:30 a.m., May 31


May 29, 2024

From President Sabah Randhawa: Update on encampment

Dear WWU Community, 

I’m writing to share that we have reached a resolution with the WWU Divest Apartheid Coalition. I look forward to sharing the final agreement with you on Friday. 

As part of this agreement, students involved with the encampment on Old Main lawn agreed to voluntarily end the encampment and depart by 5 p.m. tomorrow. We will continue to offer university support to ensure a safe environment for our entire campus community.

My sincere gratitude goes to the many staff and faculty who have supported our campus community through this process, and a special thank you to the staff and students who committed many hours to our negotiations. 

Kind regards,


Published 2:00 p.m., May 29


May 17, 2024

From President Sabah Randhawa: Update on ongoing dialogue with students supporting encampment

Dear Western community, 

I am writing to share an update on our ongoing dialogue with students involved with the encampment on campus.

I understand that this is a difficult time for many in our campus community, and I take our student demonstrators’ calls to action very seriously. 

Again, it is important to recognize the significance of the issues driving the encampment. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is tragic and demands urgent attention. We support the calls from leaders from across the globe for an immediate ceasefire, working towards lasting peace in the region, the release of hostages taken by Hamas on October 7, and a significant increase in humanitarian aid for Palestinians and all the people of Gaza. 

Click here or on the headline above to read the full message. Published 10:30 a.m., May 17


May 14, 2024

Email from WWU President and Chief Diversity Officer to WWU ASA and JVP representatives

Good morning,

Thank you for the meeting last Thursday afternoon, as well as for our earlier meeting on May 3rd. We appreciate the opportunity to continue hearing your thoughts and concerns, and we are committed to moving our conversation forward. We also recognize that an encampment was established on campus early this morning and respect peaceful expression and demonstration. Our goal in this dialogue is to make sure that all student voices and concerns are heard and to actively address your concerns to the extent we are able.

Click here or on the headline above to read the full email. Sent 11 a.m., May 14.

From President Sabah Randhawa: Information and resources regarding peaceful encampment demonstration

Dear Western community, 

As you may be aware, a student encampment, similar to those which have emerged at universities across the country, has been established on Old Main lawn on WWU’s Bellingham campus. I first want to acknowledge the significance of the issues driving the encampment. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza demands urgent attention and thoughtful consideration, and I continue to be deeply moved by the genuine empathy and heartfelt concerns expressed by many of our students, faculty, and staff for the innocent citizens in Gaza, and throughout the region, who are being impacted by the war.   

Click here or on the headline above to read the full message. Published 9:30 a.m., May 14.

Campus advisory: Peaceful encampment demonstration on WWU's Bellingham campus

There is a peaceful encampment demonstration on WWU's main Bellingham campus. As of this morning, there are about 20 tents and 50-60 individuals on Old Main lawn. Classes and services will be operating as scheduled. Further updates will be provided as needed at news.wwu.edu in the “Campus News and Information” section. Published 7:30 a.m., May 14.


Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page for information about the demonstration. This will be updated as needed. Last updated May 29.