aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

Construction crane to be placed at Kaiser Borsari Hall site next week; road closures expected

During the week of Aug. 28 through Sept.1, a tower crane will be delivered and assembled on the site of the new Kaiser Borsari Hall next to the Communications Facility. The project will require all available space on the construction site, limiting access to campus through the area. No deliveries, service calls, or egress through the site should be planned during this time. Parking lots 8G and 10G will remain open, but intermittent lane closures on East College Way will cause delays of up to five minutes for vehicles and pedestrians.

The crane is expected to begin operation the following week on Sept. 5 and will continue through late November. Intermittent lane closures on East College Way will be necessary as the crane offloads building materials and swings loads over the area. Flaggers will direct traffic during lane closures, and users should expect delays of up to five minutes.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience. If you have questions or concerns, please contact:

Mark Nicasio, Project Manager Architect

Tom Crawford, Construction Coordinator