Chartwells rolls out new "Carved & Crafted" campus catering program

Dear Western Washington University Campus Community,

We are thrilled to be offering our catering services to the Western Washington University campus community as your new catering partner and are excited to introduce your new catering experience, Carved & Crafted.

We are currently working on building out both our Carved & Crafted and Student Catering menus as well as our catering website that includes an online ordering experience. This tool allows you to browse our catering menus, place or edit existing orders, review your past/current/future events, and communicate with the catering team.

As we get closer to September, we will keep the campus community informed on our catering resources and look forward to rolling this program out campus wide. We know you are planning some fantastic events now, so we have set up an intake form to help plan all your events while the team is working to set up our catering program. Please fill out this form and one of our team members will respond as quickly as possible to discuss all details with you.


The Chartwells Catering Team