Carver construction: What to expect during finals week and intersession
Construction continues on the Carver Academic Facility construction project on Western Washington University's Bellingham campus.
The project includes replacement of the building center section with a three-story addition and wrapping the east and south sides with new structure and glass windows and other exterior openings. The project will address urgently needed seismic reinforcement throughout the facility, replace numerous aging building systems, provide improved disabled access to classrooms, labs and offices, and allow for much better use of academic spaces.
Live video feeds of the construction project are available on the project website from the WWU Office of Facilities Development and Capital Budget.
Here's what to expect during finals week, March 13 to 19:
- Continue abatement and demolition of the roof in the 1959 buildings. This will continue until the end of March.
- Area A: Prep and sandblast exterior walls over two days. Compressor will be stationed indoors to help mitigate noise.
- Area B: Place (pour) slab on grade (dependent on weather). The pump truck will be located at the south end of construction site to mitigate noise. This is a one-day task; when it occurs is dependent on the weather.
- 1935 and 1970 buildings: Continue forming for concrete, placing reinforcing steel and placing (pouring) concrete. On Friday, concrete trucks will travel to the north end of the construction site. Expect back-up beeper noise. Additional equipment will be stationed indoors to help mitigate noise. Work will continue on underground plumbing.
- Continue structural interior work in Gyms A, B and C.
Here's what to expect during intersession, March 20 to 26:
- College Hall water shutdown.
- Continue abatement/demolition roof in 1959 buildings. This will continue until the end of March.
- Area A: Reinforce and shotcrete exterior walls.
- Area B: Prep, sandblast, reinforce and shotcrete shear walls.
- Area C: Reinforce and place (pour) slab on grade.
- 1935 and 1970 buildings: Continue forming for concrete, placing reinforcing steel and placing (pouring) concrete. Continue work on underground plumbing.
- Continue structural interior work in Gyms A, B and C.
For more information, contact Dale Krause, construction coordinator at 360-650-4646 or